Revised 082411                                                                    


                                                      September 18, 2011                                                    


1. Prelude                                                                                                                         CD


2. PT/Choir/Cong/IT                   God of Wonders – IT arr.


3. Baptism                                                                                                                       Dan


4. PT/Choir/IT                                    Holy, Holy, Holy

PT/Choir/Cong/IT                        Holy Is the Lord – IT arr.                                                  

                                                 (choir leaves during greeting)

Greeting/Anncts           (John mentions Big 3 and connection card)

Living God’s Love       Stewardship Presentation – Dave/PPT

Offering                                          Dan sets up offering

PT/Cong/IT                                 Revelation Song – IT arr.                                                 

                                                       (sing during offering)                                                       


5. Message                                                                                                                     Dan


6. Invitation/Julie/John/IT      Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross                                              


7. Closing Comments                                                                                                     Dan


8. Closing Song                          God of Wonders Reprise


9. Postlude                                                                                                                       CD


Vocal Team: Julie, John

Easy Worship Operator:

IT: Full Team  (Andy)